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What You Should Do If You Are Falsely Accused Of A Sex Crime?
What You Should Do If You Are Falsely Accused Of A Sex Crime?
Imagine you were drunk from a night party and then a girl brought you in a room and locked it. When you were lying on the bed because of dizziness, the girl suddenly shouted for help. You don’t know what happened to her as she striped off her clothesall by herself. People from outside the room entered and grasp your hands while some help the half-naked woman to get dressed. You don’t know what happened until you realized that you were falsely accused of a sex crime.
Imagine you were driving your car when a girl hitches a ride, as a good Samaritan, you stop and let her join the ride. You noticed that she is trying to destroy her clothes but you don’t know why until you arrived at a certain checkpoint. She suddenly cries out loud and ask for help from the checkpoint police, you don’t know what happened until you realized that you were falsely accused of a sex crime.
So, what you should do if you were in the situation?

It can be so unfair to be accused of a crime you did not commit, unfortunately, false accusation happens especially when the accuser has ill-motive against you. Because you know that you are innocent, you simply avoid the charges and don’t take it seriously.
Sadly, avoiding the accusation will not make it disappear and worse, there is no guarantee that the charges will be dismissed. What you have to realize is the seriousness of the accusation and the potential penalties that attached into it. A conviction for a sex crime can send a person to prison for years and effectively destroy your reputation, life and career.
What you have to do is to retain a lawyer that would represent you in the case. However, it should not only be any lawyer you know but an experienced criminal defense lawyer who specializes in sex crime for you to be competently represented in court. An experienced sex crime attorney can help you to understand your rights, develop your defense and come up with a strategy to protect your innocence.
Most of the time, if you have been falsely accused of a sex crime, its your instinct to declare your innocence to anyone who listen. However, you should bear in mind that you need to refrain from engaging any discussion or making any statements pertaining to your involvement.
Keeping your silence is the most effective way to protect yourself from providing information to others that they might use against you. Bear in mind the Miranda warnings that you can refuse to answer any question or make any statement that might be incriminating to you unless your sex crime lawyer is present.
You also need to educate yourself by participate actively in the process. It doesn’t mean that you need to study law and the things your lawyer does but what is important is to fully involve yourself in your own defense by providing significant information, making a list of potential witnesses and gathering evidence to strengthen your defense.
And lastly, don’t forget to file a counterclaim against the accuser even if the court finds out that you are not guilty or the latter drops the charges. Falsely accusing a person of a sex crime can jeopardize its life and reputation so it’s better to ask your criminal defense lawyer to file a counterclaim. Afterall, you also spend money just to defend these false allegations against you.
From the moment you learned that someone falsely accused you of a sex crime, you must go armed and prepared to defend yourself.