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Top Female Criminal Defense Attorney in Michigan
Top Female Criminal Defense Attorney in Michigan
Sex crimes are one of the most serious criminal offenses a defendant can face in Michigan, which makes hiring the right criminal defense lawyer an absolute must when you are facing such charges. If you have been accused of sexual assault or any other kind of sex crime, you can not afford to settle for just any criminal defense attorney. You need to talk to criminal defense attorney Nicole Blank Becker right away.
Female Criminal Defense Attorney

What sets Nicole apart from her counterparts is her combination of experience on both sides of the aisle (both as a prosecutor and criminal defense attorney), intelligent aggression, and a deep knowledge of sexual criminal offenses. Unlike several other women criminal lawyers, Nicole focuses solely on sex crimes as her niche of criminal law.
Her areas of expertise include, but are not limited to:
● Sodomy
She understands that sex crimes are both among the most serious and most esoteric branches of the law. In many criminal cases, knowing how to fight back against a prosecutor’s argument comes only with years of studying the law and knowing which aspects can help like the back of your hand. That is exactly what Nicole Blank Becker brings to the table each and every time she defends a client.
Knowing When and How to Attack the Prosecution’s Arguments
Nicole’s decades of experience as both a prosecutor and a criminal defense lawyer means that she knows how to read both a jury and a judge from both angles. When a witness is in the process of crumbling on the stand, Nicole knows how to hammer their weak spots and get the jury to doubt their testimony.
She knows exactly what strategies a prosecutor is likely to use to get a conviction because she once used them herself, and she knows how to find a weakness that can undo their arguments. When the situation calls for an aggressive attack, Nicole is never intimidated by a prosecutor or a witness’ testimony.
As a female criminal attorney, Nicole is often in a much better position to attack at the right time than her male counterparts. Many sex crimes involve a female accuser against a male defendant. When a male lawyer tries to attack a female accuser, he can often come off as bullying her in the minds of the jury. Nicole knows exactly how to press an issue without upsetting the jury or making the prosecution look sympathetic.
Knowing When it is Not the Best Time to Go on the Attack
At the same time, Nicole knows that attacking is not always the best strategy for a criminal defense expert. When the prosecution has a weak case, some women criminal lawyers who specialize in criminal defense try to gild the lily and make a blunder, which allows the prosecution to redirect and rebuild their attack.
Attorney Nicole Blank Becker understands that criminal defense does not have to prove innocence; it must only establish enough doubt of the defendant’s guilt. She understands that her job is to get the jury to doubt the accusations enough to protect her client’s rights.
Every Client Deserves a Strong and Compassionate Defense
As both an ex-prosecutor and a female criminal attorney who specializes in criminal sexual conduct defense, Nicole understands that an accusation is simply that. It does not mean that someone is automatically guilty, and it does not mean the accused doesn’t deserve a strong, forceful defense from an experienced trial attorney.
When you come to the law office of Blank Law, PC for your Michigan criminal defense attorney free consultation, you will meet with a female sex crimes defense lawyer who will listen to every aspect of your case and tell you the honest truth about your situation, without judgment.
If there is a weakness in the prosecution’s accusation, Nicole will let you know how she can help you fight it. If there is a strong possibility that you will have to make a plea bargain because of the facts, she will let you know that as well.
Regardless of your situation, you can expect compassion and integrity from Attorney Nicole Blank Becker. She will give you the strong defense everyone is entitled to under the law, and she will do so without judgment and deception.
Putting a Singular Focus to Work for Your Freedom
Many times, a law office tries to be everything for all possible clients. You might see some trial attorneys defend a victim of a traffic accident one day, appear in bankruptcy court a month later, and try a criminal law case as a defense lawyer after that.
That is an ineffective way to serve clients because there are simply too many branches of the law to become an expert on all of them (see: general practice firm vs. specialized firm). When a lawyer tries to do too much, they might end up overlooking a key piece of the law, causing them to lose a case to an attorney who focuses on one branch of the law and nothing else.
Attorney Nicole Blank Becker does not overextend herself. She has made sex crimes the entire focus of her work as a female criminal attorney. Through her previous experience as a prosecutor in Macomb County, serving as the Chief of the Sex Crimes Unit and Child Abuse Unit, and her work as a defense lawyer through her own law office, sex crimes in Michigan have always been her focus.
This is exactly why she is the criminal law attorney that you need in your corner if you are accused of a sexual offense in Michigan. Her deep knowledge of the law comes from years of focus and experience. It allows her to find the smallest idiosyncrasies in a prosecutor’s case and exploit them to preserve your freedom.
Protect Your Freedom by Hiring the Top Female Criminal Defense Attorney
When you are facing the possibility of felony charges for a sexual crime, you do not have time to waste. Prosecutors of sex crimes in Michigan take their job very seriously; and given that the penalties can include years in prison, large fines, and permanent registration on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry, you need to take your situation just as seriously as they do.
That means knowing what to look for in a criminal defense lawyer and finding the right one for your needs. When you check out client reviews of Nicole’s work, you will understand exactly why she is the lawyer you need when you are facing a serious charge.

If you are in need of a criminal sexual conduct attorney to defend you against a sex crime-related charge, you need to speak to the top female criminal attorney in Michigan. Contact Attorney Nicole Blank Becker at (248) 515-6583 or through her website; she is always ready to take your call and discuss your case in order to protect your freedom!