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Under CSC Investigation? Know These Tips to Avoid Prison!
Being the person accused, investigated, or charged for criminal sexual conduct (CSC) in Michigan is no joke. If proven guilty, the penalties are so severe and will change anyone’s life completely. If charged with a CSC offense, our sex crimes lawyers are here to help.

Jail time and hard prison time is an unfortunate reality if you are convicted of a sex crime in Michigan. Under the State of Michigan CSC law, the sex crime charges are broken down into four different categories or degrees:
● Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st Degree
- involves SEXUAL PENETRATION and is punishable by up to LIFE IMPRISONMENT.
● Criminal Sexual Conduct 2nd Degree
- involves SEXUAL CONTACT and is punishable by up to 15 YEARS in prison.
● Criminal Sexual Conduct 3rd Degree
- involves SEXUAL PENETRATION and is punishable by up to 15 YEARS in prison.
● Criminal Sexual Conduct 4th Degree
- involves SEXUAL TOUCHING and is punishable by up to TWO YEARS in prison.
If you are charged with any of these CSC degrees and are being investigated for any type of sexual assault, the decisions and actions you make (no matter how big or small it is), can affect the investigation’s results. It could mean the difference between your total freedom and hard prison time.
CSC Investigation

If you know or you have a reason to believe that you are under investigation for a criminal sexual conduct charge, these tips could help you avoid hard jail time:
1. Never discuss the charge or allegation with anyone
Aside from the police and detectives who are assigned to the investigation, you should also avoid discussing the issue with your friends, relatives, and even with your husband or wife. The only person you should talk with is a reliable criminal sexual conduct attorney.
Your own CSC defense attorney is the only one who can defend your words in the courtroom. The risk is very high if you discuss the issue with your friends as your words can be misconstrued and twisted. Always remember, anything you say or do can be used against you in court. So always keep your mouth shut and don’t talk about the issue to anyone without the presence of your criminal defense lawyer.
2. Do not text or call the alleged victim
If you get a call or a text message from the number of the person accusing you of the crime, asking you to “say sorry” for what you allegedly did, do not reply or return the call. Any kind of reply or message that you will send can be twisted and used against you.
Also, police sometimes use this kind of trick to pin you further for the crime that you allegedly committed. Do not ever respond to things like this. Do not engage! If you are being forced to answer a certain question, respectfully say that you will not say anything or answer any kind of questions without your attorney present.
3. Record everything
Using your smartphone or any kind of recording device, record anything or any events/situation that pertains to the CSC allegations. Everything that has something to do with the case can be used as evidence in court. May it be in a casual personal talk or a post on a certain kind of social media platform, save it! These things can be critical to your sexual assault defense strategies, so better to save them to be used as evidence.
4. Get a reliable defense attorney
If you have been charged with a sex crime, it is pretty important to hire an attorney as soon as possible. Seek the help of a reliable and experienced Michigan sex crimes lawyer immediately.
Hire Blank Law, PC
Attorney Nicole Blank Becker has helped countless people who were accused of criminal sexual conduct offenses and handles all of her clients’ sex crime cases with hard work, professionalism, and honesty. Nicole works to build a strong attorney-client relationship that helps put her clients’ stress at ease when going through the grueling process of the criminal justice system.

To hire Blank Law, PC for your Michigan CSC case, send a message/contact us by filling out this online form or simply call our Troy, MI office at (248) 515-6583 to book your free consultation. We offer free emergency consultation 24/7/365.

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