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Assault with Intent To Sexually Penetrate in Michigan – Michigan CSC
Assault with Intent To Sexually Penetrate in Michigan – Michigan CSC
In Michigan Criminal Sexual Conduct Act, the assault with intent to sexaully penetrate is one of the lesser offenses.
The common scenario for an assault with intent to sexually penetrate is when a person is caught in an odd position where it looks like something more is about to happen. This kind of sex crime is quite confusing and challenging thus the need of a well experienced sex crime attorney. If you or someone you know is charged with assault with intent to sexaully penetrate, call a sex crime lawyer immediately. Don’t let this charge blow up that may lead to something more serious that could result to hard prison time.
Eventhough this kind of charge is one of the lesser offenses in the Michigan CSC, you will still need someone who is knowledgeable enough of the sex crimes to defend your case. The prosecution can easily take your case to the further level and it could certainly cost you a lot more than you expected. It’s very important to be mindful of all potential outcomes of your case. Don’t just hire anyone to defend your name against this kind of criminal sexual conduct charge
The maximum penalty for assault with intent to sexually penetrate in Michigan is 10 years of hard prison time. However, this felony is one of the few sex crimes under the Michigan CSC that allows the person the right for probation. This means, a person can be convicted with this crime and never go to jail. A person convicted of this CSC charge is also required to register as a sex offender under SORA. Since this charge is at the highest tier, the community can look up your name, see your photo, yuor home address, the sex crime you are charged with on the sex offender registry list.
Again, don’t take this kind of charge lightly. Call a lawyer whos specialization revolves around Michigan criminal sexual conduct. If you are looking for someone who can defend your freedom with, contact Attorney Nicole Blank Becker today!