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If the accuser engaged in sexual penetration with the accuser and the accuser is between the ages of 13 and 16, the accused may be charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct, as opposed to third-degree criminal sexual conduct if any of the following apply
Member Of The Same Household
The term household encompasses a family unit residing under one roof for any time other than a brief or chance visit and assumes a close and ongoing subordinating relationship that a child experiences with a member of his or her family or with a coercive authority figure.
The purpose of the criminal sexual conduct statute specifically including the element of a member of the same household is to increase the penalty where the sexual penetration occurred in situations within a household. The increased penalty imposed by the legislation is a reflection of the fact that people in the same household, those living together, bear a special relationship with one another. That relationship is specifically protected by the increased penalty, which is the possibility of life imprisonment.
EXAMPLE – Member Of The Same Household
A child living in a home with her mother and stepfather for the summer months under court-ordered visitation is a member of the same household as the stepfather for purposes of the criminal sexual conduct statute.
Related By Blood or Affinity
EXAMPLE – Related By Blood or Affinity
In Michigan, if you are a stepbrother or stepsister, you are considered related by ”affinity”.
Position of Authority
The accused cannot use his/her position of authority to compel vulnerable youth to engage in sexual penetration/contact. Someone in a position of authority can range from a school teacher, child care provider, volunteer, etc. If that person who is in a position of authority, used that position of authority to coerce the accuser to participate in a sexual act, the person in a position of authority can and will be charged with varying degrees of criminal sexual conduct.
EXAMPLE – Position of Authority
A sixth-grade middle school substitute teacher is in a position of authority over his/her students.
A counselor, a family therapist, or an adult in charge of the sleepover, are all considered under the law to be in a “position of authority” over the child/children.
If you have been charged or are under investigation, our experienced Michigan criminal sexual conduct lawyers can help you. Contact us now.